First cell-based shrimp dumplings launched

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s first cell-based meat venture Shiok Meats lifted the lid on its lab-grown shrimp dumplings at the Disruption in Food and Sustainability Summit (DFSS) on Friday (Mar 29).

There were just eight dumplings showcased at the summit, but the high-tech dim sum took months and S$5,000 to cook up.

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Brain-Controlled Hearing Aids Could Cut through Crowd Noise

A prototype detects whom you are listening to and amplifies only that speaker’s voice; a potential solution to the “cocktail party problem”

Synthetic Speech Generated from Brain Recordings

“A state-of-the-art brain-machine interface created by UC San Francisco neuroscientists can generate natural-sounding synthetic speech by using brain activity to control a virtual vocal tract – an anatomically detailed computer simulation including the lips, jaw, tongue and larynx. The study was conducted in research participants with intact speech, but the technology could one day restore the voices of people who have lost the ability to speak due to paralysis and other forms of neurological damage. “

New Technology Uses Lasers to Transmit Audible Messages to Specific People

“Researchers have demonstrated that a laser can transmit an audible message to a person without any type of receiver equipment.”

Computer system transcribes words users “speak silently”

Electrodes on the face and jaw pick up otherwise undetectable neuromuscular signals triggered by internal verbalizations.

We love augmented reality, but let’s fix things that could become big problems | TechCrunch